Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm sitting here in Math class right now, writing this on composition notebook paper while everyone else finishes Benchmark #2 test corrections- I finished mine on Friday.
I'm hoping to do a series of blog posts about each of my classes, for those of you who are homeschooled who still read my blog. They will be out of order (I'm doing my 4th period first) but hopefully you will enjoy them.
Miss Sharp is walking around the room still handing out folders and papers. Mine looks like it has a lot of red marks on it- not a good thing. I hate algebra.
OK, so some of them are good, but not many.
The projector is glaring off the whiteboard again, giving me a pounding headache, while the sun is shining brightly and the florescent lights are slightly flickering. The walls are white, causing the light to bounce off of them, and give the room a very cold, clean, unfriendly air about it.
Even though the classroom is supposed to be quiet, every student finds some kind of loophole.
Zach, who in my opinion is ADHD and a math whiz, is constantly changing positions, tapping his pencil, and tipping his chair back. He's a cute little guy, very sweet.
Nick M bounces his legs up and down, much like me. Shaquan is messing with his jacket zipper and putting numbers into his calculator like its a matter of life and death. Surprisingly enough, he's turned out to be one of my best friends here in the school. Makayla and Brittany M, best friends and the stereotypical snobs, are chomping and smacking gum and using "like" every other word and basing the way the world works on their feelings.
Araya, a pretty blonde haired girl, has a sad story: Dumped by someone she loved. She was lied to, and the guy ripped her heart out of her chest, tore it to shreds, stomped on it, pierced it with a knife, and left her to patch up the pieces as best she could.
Needless to say, every stitch in the healing process hurts.
I've been feeling a little protective over her lately, because I know how she feels and I know that right now she is the most vulnerable. She seems thankful for the protection, though. She's slowly starting to trust me to help and to protect her. I have only seen someone so broken a few times before, and to see her cover up every thing with that gorgeous smile hurts me as well. Cause I know how much she hurts. The things I would do to that boy if I could get my hands on him.
Paige, Kimberly, Kasie, and Brittany H are bugging Miss Sharp for help, and Luke is playing games on his calculator. Dylan is asleep, despite the repeated attempts of Miss Sharp to wake him up.
I've got to run, 3 minutes til the music starts.


  1. Hi :) This was a very interesting post! Good job discribing stuff!!

    1. Thanks Jaylo :) I'll be doing one on my bus ride soon. That should be interesting :)
